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12 plass til Laura Bakker i 105 KM lange Festival Des Templiers

Kenneth Antonsens bilde

105 km - 5000 høydemeter er en en utrolig krevende øvelse.  Vår egen Laura Bakker løp for 4 gang, og klatrer høyere opp på resultatlisten. Det er så massivt imponerende bare å fullføre. Denne gangen ender Laura på 12 plass. 

Gratulerer så mye!

Her har jeg sakset fra Laura's Facebook side: 

Festival_des_templiers - 105km and 5000m of vert across stunning landscapes. Super happy with my progress from last year and surprised to finish as 12th female overall. Can’t wait to come back next year for the 4th time - feeling motivated to work hard and try and improve even more. Could not have done this without runarsworld who did an amazing job crewing me at all the aid stations.


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